NFT bulk upload | How to Bulk Upload NFTs to OpenSea | 10,000 Bulk NFTs Upload

NFT bulk upload

Uploading an nft to opensea or any other nft marketplace is easy, a few simple steps and your nft is out there ready waiting for the people to buy it but what if you actually create 10 000 nfts, it will take you some time to upload it on opensea and probably you have seen many of the videos available out there on youtube, where they show one and the same thing how to capture the movement of the mouse record, it synchronize it make it faster and it clicks where you click the first time and i was watching at those video for quite a long time and i was opening the next one hoping for a better solution and then i looked for the next one for a better solution and then i clicked on the third fourth fifth all the same thing, i even wonder how those youtubers are recording the same thing that someone already recorded and they're just repeating it and i have mentioned that this is one of the solutions

You can follow the video tutorial also.

(Many experts in the crypto industry say that around 40 of new crypto users will use nfts as their entry point as a result of its growing popularity nft could represent a more significant part of the digital economy in the future. )

So let's get started, we will proceed in step so that it can be easy for you to understand.


1. So first of all download all the required files and software.

Secret tool you will need it- HERE

Download Python- HERE

Github repository-  HERE

Google Chrome- HERE

Visual Studio Code- HERE

2. Extract the zip file you downloaded from GitHub

Go to the extracted file then src, then you will able to see 2 folder one 'Images' folder and another 'Json' folder. In the src folder you have to paste you NFT images and json file and replace the default images and json folder.

The default files

Replace with you Nft and json file

3. Open the extracted file with your Visual Studio Code.

Click on Terminal option on the top left corner, 7th option.
You will able to see that your screen is split in 2, Terminal and view.
Now run this commend in the terminal (pip install -r requirements.txt), basically by this command you are install the required package need by the software to run.
After Installation is done. We can now run our app by running this code (python

4. On the top you will able to see OpenSea Collection Link, you have to paste that collection link in which you want to enter it.
Keep in mind, after going to the collection click on the Add item button then copy the url and paste in the app.

Now fill all the informations about you nft
After filling all the information check your
Complete Listing, if you want to sell it directly then check it, and change the default price to your price and check the Polymer Blockchain if you want to upload in Polymer Blockchain then mark it.

We will upload the differents in few days so stay tune for more nft related post.

5. Click on 'Open Chrome Browser option', then connect your Wallet (MetaMask).

NOTE You have to open chrome browser on with the 'Open Chrome Browser option' present in the app.

6. Final step click on Start button to start the bulk upload. First time you have to click on 'Sign' button after that all the things will automated.

If any how you face any error just contact us on Telegram, or just try to check for update on GitHub first if this work then ok, but if not then feel free to contact us it's free :)

Checklist before press "start" button

Disabled opensea night mode
Opensea collection link must end with "assets/create",
look like this :
If polygon please tick "polycon blockchain
Please check "complete listing" for listing and unchecked for create NFT without listing step
If polygon please tick "polycon blockchain!
Select your images & json "src" folder
double check your image / json format: 1.png or 1.json

Short Instructions

- Download Python and Chrome browser
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python (Run the script)
- Press the "Open Chrome Browser" button
- Set up your metamask wallet and login to Opensea using your wallet
- Open the collection you want to upload to and copy the link
- Click Start button

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