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How to Learn Coding for Beginners [ Sharing My Experience ]
How to Learn Coding for Beginners [ Sharing My Experience ]
My coding journey
So bro first thanks to reading and I knew that you have follow me if not then please do it if you like then only other wise no problem by the why what we are talking about 🤔 Oo I remember we are talking about me so lets start with when I started coding so when I was in class 5or6 I have receive my first coding project as a computer lover I was very-very excited but also confuse because I don't knew how to do it but my home tuition sir was a website developer #tuitionsirwasop so he knew how to do that so I get help form him and as a creative person I have idea to make our homepage look pro😂😂I am not comparing it from now a days🤣 but that time it was pro for me🥺😭but live it then some how I have make my pro homepage🤣and I have submitted my project to my computer sir and then guess what happen I got A+ and with me 9 more students got A+🥺but live it I have not notice it I just see my numbers and then after my first project I started coding I have make my own 5+webites note it they are pro😂so let's end it and I will see you guess in my next bolg /video follow me on YouTube also. Bye-Bye